Social Media Marketing for Lawyers

People are on Social Media


Three billion (with a B) people use social media daily. Is your law practice one of these three billion?


I hope so!


People use social media in a mix of ways. Most use it to connect with family and friends and as entertainment, while others learn about new trends, products, and businesses like your law practice.


Writing compelling, practical, and appealing articles is best to build a social media following for your law practice. LinkedInInstagram, and Twitter are just some of the many social media choices. However, the more social media choices used equals more maintenance. 



Social Media Tactics For Your Law Practice


What kinds of things should your law firm post on social media? 


  • Bulletins (announcements, publications)
  • Videos (brand history, staff insights).
  • Industry References (new law links, case studies).
  • Opinions (polls, case predictions)
  • Case outcomes
  • Fulfilled Client Feedback


It can be nerve-racking to navigate the legal world. Social media allows law practices to create personal connections on top of marketing themselves. These connections build confidence, making it more comfortable for clients when selecting your practice.


Visualize Your Social Impact


Social media's primary goal is to increase your law practice's findability by developing your online reputation. Dull content will get you nowhere. Make sure people want to return to your site often by posting appealing content and posting often.


Even if your social media content is top-quality, it's still essential to assess your social impact. To measure your online performance, you can use social media analytics and user tracking to understand the number of views per post.


And lastly, don't overlook the impact social media influencers have on products and businesses.  By connecting with an influencer, your findability will skyrocket after just one post about your practice due to most influencers' number of followers.