What are Listings?

What are listings? Listings are informative digital tools about a business. These essential business tools detail how consumers can learn about and locate your law practice.


What kind of information is required in a business listing? Think NAP+W.


(N)ame, (A)ddress, (P)hone + (W)ebsite


This straightforward acronym (NAP+W) is an easy starting point. However, now that people can find AND contact your law practice don't stop there. You also need to make your business listing enticing to potential clients. They should be interested in learning what your law practice offers, like services, attorneys on staff, case outcomes, and more.


Do Listings Really Drive in Business?


It depends on how you attack the process. Your listings will not have the same impact if consumers can't find them or if they contain erroneous details about your law practice.


Social media (LinkedIn and Facebook) and search engines (Google and Bing) can help create findability. You can also use digital industry directories (Santa Maria Attorneys and the American Bar Association). It's easy to enhance the findability of your law practice with all these available listing options.


However, findability is only possible if each listing lacks errors. This uniformity also encourages your law practice branding. 



Still Not Sure if Business Listings are Worth the Effort?


If you make use of all the available listing options and retain uniformity, business listings can only profit your law practice. Let us explain.


Happy Verses Irritate Clients


Attract potential clients with easy-to-find and reliable business listings.


Unreliable business listings, however, can create uncertainty. This uncertainty will push your potential clients into the arms of the competition.


It's not hard to understand, especially if you try to think like the client. Would you be happy or irritate if you took the time to drive to the address posted on the law practice business listing, only to find no office? Answer - irritated. Or, what's worse, are you now questioning their ability as a lawyer? If they can't update a small but significant detail like their address, how can they handle your case's small but possibly significant details? 


Turn a potential negative review into a client's positive first impression with error-free and uniform listings! Your bottom line will thank you.


Reviews Are Essential in Digital Business Listings


Building your law practice's brand and reputation requires a robust review process as well.


Think of reviews like the glass door to your law practice.  Both you and your potential clients will gain valuable insights from client reviews and your responses to these reviews. This clarity helps potential clients make informed choices when choosing an attorney.  Plus, reviews help to increase your law practice's findability.


What Part do Search Engines Play?


Every online review and business listing generates backlinks that will increase your practice's search engine ranking.


SEO can seem complicated, but it's an outstanding way for law practices to market themselves. You can optimize your SEO rank by making sure you have uniform and reliable listing management. An optimized SEO rank equals findability which in turn generates new clients.