Updating Your Listing


My Information is Incorrect. Can I Update It?


Yes, Santa Maria Attorneys suggests two options to update your listing.


Method 1: Upgrade to Premium by Claiming Your Listing


Three legal marketing plans are available from Santa Maria Attorneys. And a free profile setup is included with an annual marketing plan.


To review and purchase your chosen legal marketing plan, visit the Turn-Key Legal Marketing Services page and click "Learn More." After payment, the Santa Maria Attorneys team will customize your legal profile.


However, prior to any changes, we need to confirm your identity. The Santa Maria Attorneys team will contact the email address provided during payment. Your payment will be canceled and refunded if we are unable to complete the confirmation process.


Method 2: Request a One-Time Update


Santa Maria Attorneys can update your profile for a one-time fee. All you need to do is click Update My Profile Information found on our Turn-Key Legal Marketing Services page, then pay.


However, prior to any changes, we need to confirm your identity. The Santa Maria Attorneys team will contact the email address provided during payment. Your payment will be canceled and refunded if we are unable to complete the confirmation process.



If My Information is Incorrect, What Can I Do Without Paying?


Our team will remove your listing if you choose to opt-out of the Santa Maria Attorneys legal directory.


However, your practice might find it more advantageous to pay the one-time fee to update your listing. This update gives your law firm an additional marketing channel, helping to increase client visibility. Multiple marketing channels can improve your SEO and search engine results for Google. All this for only $5.00


The Santa Maria Attorneys team is here o help if you have any questions.